I first discovered Liane Moriarty when I was on holiday, browsing a local bookshop. I’d already finished reading the books I’d brought with me, so I had to buy something new, naturally. I bought a copy of her first book, Three Wishes. The book opens at a birthday dinner between three triplets, Cat, Lyn and Gemma, that devolves into a violent argument and a mad dash to the hospital after one of them sticks a fork into another’s pregnant belly. We spend the rest of the book learning why and how these events came about. I spent the rest of the day finishing that book and rushing back to the bookstore to buy more of Moriarty’s books – I must have bought another three or four of them – and I promptly read all of them over the next few days of my holiday. Moriarty writes intriguing stories that are so easy to read and her characters are loveable, believable and quirky. I don’t think I’ve ever discovered an author where I can say, without a doubt, I love all their books equally. Her books are perfect for holiday reading, so when you’re next packing for a trip away, don’t forget to pack some Moriarty.