Tanya Reads The Five People You Meet In Heaven
I’d like to introduce you to another favourite book of mine – The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Mitch Albom’s more famous book is Tuesdays with Morrie, but I much prefer this one. The Five People You Meet in Heaven begins with a recap of the last hour in the life of maintenance man Eddie, who works in the amusement park at Ruby Pier. Eddie is killed in an accident and sent to heaven, and there he encounters five people who had a significant impact upon him while he was alive. The book is a fictionalised account of what happens after you die – the five people you meet in Heaven who guide you and explain their impact on you or your impact on them. No matter your religious persuasions, this book is filled with beautiful truths and profound observations – it makes me cry every time I read it, so be prepared for that! I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes from the book – one of those profound observations I mentioned earlier;
“’You have peace,’ the old woman said, ‘when you make it with yourself.’”